【台北資訊服務組公告】教育部113年度臺灣學術網路防範惡意電子郵件社交工程演練公告 Announcement of 2024 Taiwan Academic Network Malicious Email Prevention Drill Held by Ministry of Education

2024 年 3 月 28 日

Featured image for “【台北資訊服務組公告】教育部113年度臺灣學術網路防範惡意電子郵件社交工程演練公告 Announcement of 2024 Taiwan Academic Network Malicious Email Prevention Drill Held by Ministry of Education”


The Department of Information and Technology in the Ministry of Education will send malicious emails to the drill targets with political, official business, health and wellness, or tourism subject lines. These emails will include a URL or an attached word file.


Drill period: Drills will be implemented twice in 2024 from April through December.


All colleagues are asked to please not open non-university business emails or click on URLs in or open any file attached to those emails.